RareStyle Mobile App

Role: User Experience, Visual Design


The Problem

After market research and competitors analysis we found that there are few similar mobile apps, that provide the same functionality, but they all offer very complex and in-depth solution.

The client's main idea was to create a simple app that would stand out and allow users to browse shopping shop menu and place holder.

The Challenge

The first challenge was to create a user experience that will be simple, effective and only provides informations that user would need

The second challenge was to work through the low budget that was available.


We tried to stay focused through the research, by making it short and effective. We gathered as much data as possible from user interviews, brainstorming, etc

We started to ask questions:

  • who are the users we are targeting,
  • which features would be useful to them,
  • what goals do they need to accomplish
  • and what are the users needs and desires



Creating personas helped me to create empathy and understanding of people I am designing for.


Wireframing and Prototyping

I always start any project by sketching first; quick wireframe sketching allows to painlessly seeing changes and alternative solutions almost immediately. After the main features were worked out on paper, I made wireframes. Later, moved on to designing the look and feel of the website. We worked on this entire website in stringent deadlines without compromising on its user experience.

Visual Design

After all the wireframes were designed I moved onto styling the user interface of the app.
I focused on designing an interface that was simple, clean and beautiful.